The INTERREG V A-project "RPIS 4.0"

Project title:

RPIS 4.0 – Smart community system for Upper Rhine Ports

Duration of the project: rom 01/05/2019 until 30/04/2022
Budget: EUR 1 379 000 (50 % funding by the European Fund " ERDF, INTERREG V A Upper Rhine Programme, 50 % financed by ports)

Lead partner:

Port of Karlsruhe

Co-coordinating partners

  • Port of Strasbourg
  • Port of Switzerland

Cofinancing partners

  • Ports of Mulhouse
  • Port of Ludwigshafen am Rhein 
  • Port of Mannheim
  • Port of Kehl
  • Port of Colmar / Neuf-Brisach
  • Port of Weil am Rhein


Since 2012, the 9 ports of the Upper Rhine have engaged in cooperation in the trinational region which is a central link in the TEN-T network. These are the ports of Basel, Weil am Rhein, Mulhouse, Colmar/Neuf-Brisach, Strasbourg, Kehl, Karlsruhe, Ludwigshafen and Mannheim.

On the basis of the recommendations of a first project of studies “Upper Rhine, a connected corridor” (2012-2014), dedicated to the definition of investment priorities and cooperation, the consortium of ports developed, in a second project “Pilot Implementation of an ICT Upper Rhine Traffic Information Platorm” (2015-2018), the RPIS platform which is dedicated to the optimisation of the waterborne container transport management.

In the same project, the ports evaluated different tracks to add new features and extend the platform to other transport segments and ports, in order to offer new services to inland waterway transport.

Finally, the ports have agreed to create a company dedicated to the operation of the RPIS which will bring together all 9 ports of the Superior Rhine and will allow both to manage this first digital interport infrastructure of the Upper Rhine and to ensure the coordination of this cooperation.

Objectives of the projet

The RPIS project “4.0 – smart community system for Upper Rhine Ports” aims to improve the performance and competitiveness of multimodal transport through the integration of digital solutions in the global supply chain and thus be able to promote modal reporting on clean transport modes such as inland navigation.

The project focusses on 3 main objectives

1) Strengthening multimodal freight transport

Through the implementation of the priority extensions of the RPIS traffic management platform to a Port Community System, the management of bulk river traffic and rail freight traffic in the Upper Rhine will be strengthened.

In addition, an extension to the port platforms of the Upper Rhine not yet connected.

2) Improving the offer of cross-border services for Rhine navigation operators:

The optimisation of the platform’s operation through the integration of real-time data managed by other river information services (E-RIS, AIS), as well as data from the Cargo Community Systems of major seaports, will allow for a rapid and transparent data exchange between all stakeholders. The best planning of the barge calls, the optimisation of the use of port infrastructures and the exchange of digital data will constitute a real added value for the users.

3) Strengthening sustainable mobility in freight transport:

The establishment of a Upper Rhine port community promotes multimodal transport solutions in the Upper Rhine in a sustainable way. It is made up of actors in the field of transport and logistics, but also of scientific representatives, ports and administrations competent in this field.

The platform will also contribute to the continued development of new digital services for the port community, notably by local start-ups.


Action 1 – Modular extension of the RPIS traffic management platform

Until then, RPIS has focused on optimising container transport on the Upper Rhine. During the previous project, potential users have expressed additional requirements and expectations for a traffic management platform. These cover the management of inland general cargo, bulk and combined transport in the Upper Rhine, as well as river cruise traffic.

Action 2: Development of new digital services

RPIS was developed on the basis of an analysis of the requirements of stakeholders carried out in 2014 and is now available to its users in version 3.0. However, as a result of the increase in the digitisation of the logistics sector, the requirements of users vis-à-vis the service level of RPIS have increased. The new digital services aim to expand the range of functionality of the RPIS and increase its service level to meet these expectations. This includes the development of a module dedicated to the digital services of port authorities and the implementation of interfaces for the integration of real-time data provided by other information services for inland navigation.

Action 3: Cross-border community for sustainable logistics in the Upper Rhine region

A third set of measures concerns strengthening cross-border linkages between stakeholders. At the port level, this happens through the creation of a joint company dedicated to the operation of the platform necessary for its sustainable development.

On a stakeholder level, this measure concerns the establishment of a cross-border network of multimodal transport players in the Upper Rhine. This networking of all the players in the logistics chain makes it possible to optimise logistics processes in a sustainable way. The holding of thematic workshops with the relevant actors in the transport chain is an essential starting point.

Action 4: Communication

Communication of the actions implemented is a key element of the project. It includes measures to present results, press relations and the promotion of RPIS 4.0 to stakeholders.

Implementation steps

2020 :

- Requirements assessment for a bulk waterborne transport management module

- Requirements assessment for a module for river cruise traffic management

- Requirements assessment in relation to new port services

- Development of new functionalities of existing RPIS modules

- Studies prior to the creation of an operating company of the RPIS platform



- Development of a bulk waterborne transport management module

- Development of a river cruise traffic management module

- Feasibility study for the integration of rail transport

- Development of a port services management tool
- Workshops




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Loic Chalmandrier Accent Visuel 77

Official handover of the project agreement to the INTERREG programme in January 2020
copyright: Upper Rhine Ports

Loic Chalmandrier Accent Visuel 7

RPIS live: Upper Rhine Ports