The TEN-T-project "Upper Rhine – a connected corridor"

Official title:
TEN-T Project No. 2011-EU-95029-S “Consolidation and reinforcement of the Upper Rhine Corridor as a central hub of the TEN-T network”

Coordination Port of Strasbourg (PAS)
Projet duration from 14 April 2012 to 31 December 2014
Budget EUR 1.7 million (50 % EU, 50 % financed by ports)

Project partners

  • Hafenbetriebe Ludwigshafen am Rhein GmbH
  • Staatliche Rhein-Neckar-Hafengesellschaft Mannheim mbH
  • KVVH - Karlsruher Versorgungs-, Verkehrs- und Hafen GmbH Geschäftsbereich Rheinhäfen
  • Hafenverwaltung Kehl- Körperschaft öffentlichen Rechts
  • Port autonome de Strasbourg
  • Port Rhénan Colmar / Neuf-Brisach
  • RheinPorts Basel-Mulhouse-Weil

The objectives of the projet :

The aim of the various activities was to develop a long-term vision and multimodal strategy for the ports of the Upper Rhine, not only in terms of infrastructure, but also in terms of services and organisation. All the ports involved play an important role as a multimodal hub for transport and logistics. One of the main objectives of this project was to create the conditions for long-term cooperation between inland ports and the main economic players. For this reason, each of the activities involved both public and private actors.

Implementation stages

etapes mise en oeuvre projet RTE-T etapes de mise en oeuvre du projet

Results of the 4 project activities

  • Detailed analyses of the current traffic situation and the capacity of existing transport infrastructure
  • Detailed description of each of the 9 key routes for the inland waterway and rail transport of the Upper Rhine
  • Analysis of transport flows within the Upper Rhine (by sector and transport mode), including cross-border traffic
  • Analysis of flows between the Upper Rhine and major economic centres in Europe (by sector and transport mode), according to the main European transport corridors
  • Detailed description and mapping of existing infrastructure, bottlenecks, capacity buffers and planned investment projects for the three transport modes– inland waterway, rail and road, at regional level;
  • Detailed description and mapping of existing infrastructure, bottlenecks, capacity buffers and planned investment projects in port platforms and their access;

 2. Development of short- and long-term forecast scenarios by transport mode (including cross-border traffic) and definition of solutions for bottlenecks

  • Modelling the evolution of flows by 2020 and 2035 (by economic and geographical sectors)
  • Definition of critical areas for capacity limits
  • Analysis of modal shift potential to inland and rail modes to four key destinations

3. Set up of a long-term master plan for the required investments and potential sources of financing.

  • Description of capacity needs for port platforms and regional inland, rail and road transport infrastructure
  • Detailed description and analysis of investment and cooperation projects to adapt the necessary capacities and services
  • Coherent programme of 35 investment projects
  • Complementary cooperation projects
  • Recommendation of 39 strategic cooperation measures for the port network and detailed description of 8 priority actions
  • Analysis of the expectations of economic actors regarding the cooperation approach
  • Report on the final master plan including the investment programme and priority cooperation projects.


4. Establishment of governance structures for the ports of the Upper Rhine

  • Comparison and impact analysis of legal forms for port cooperation
  • Proposal for an organisation chart
  • Statement of intent to create a governance structure, signed by all ports

lancement du projet banderolle

Launching event of the project on 26 November 2012
copyright: Port of Strasbourg

projet RTE T Upper Rhine rapport de synthse

Final report of the project

Cloture du projet Upper Rhine a connected corridor 11 2014

Final event in Karlsrue on 25 Novembre 2014
copyright: Rheinhafen Karlsruhe